Orientation and Training
Orientation and Training Classes
As acknowledged above, to get started, the first step is to begin attending our orientation and training classes. All of our prospective parent training classes are held online at at our offices in the city of Riverside, CA. Our address is:
7891 Mission Grove Pkwy.
Suite #B
Riverside, CA 92508
It is imperative that in order for you to find out when our training classes are being held that you contact our agency by calling us at (951) 776-9223. It is best to ask for the prospective parent coordinator, however if they are unavailable then please notify the person whom you speak with that you want to begin the process of attending our orientation and training classes.
Training Session Video Overview

Orientation Class
In this video, prospective Resource Families are provided an overview of the foster care system and the changes that have occurred since the implementation of the Continuum of Care Reform (CCR). In addition, applicants are also introduced to “Lisa” and her 911 call to provide a better understanding of the backgrounds and circumstances that children in foster care are dealing with in their personal lives and the reasons for why a Resource Parent is needed.

Session #1
Understanding the Adjudication Process
In this video, participants get an overview into how children, youth and non-minor dependents enter into the foster care and probation systems. Participants are also introduced to the Welfare and Institutions Codes, Section 300, Subsections a-j codes and what each letter represents and the importance of understanding these codes.

Session #2
Understanding the Impacts of Grief, Loss and Trauma in Children
In this video we look at the impacts of grief, loss and trauma in children and young adults in the foster care system. We also discuss how this will affect the way that Resource Parents interact with these youth. Lastly, we look at how a placement call works and what types of questions a Resource Parent should as of the Placement/Intake Unit staff calling them.

Session #3
Minimizing Personal Biases and Supporting Positive Relationships
In this video, participants learn about how to support the positive relationships between the child and their biological family members. In addition, there is a discussion about how Resource Parents must recognize their own personal biases when working with foster youth. Lastly there is a discussion about what a Resource Parent can do to make a child’s initial placement easier on the child.

Session #4
Understanding Mental Health Issues & Working with CSEC Youth
In this video, participants began to gain additional knowledge and insight into the different mental health issues that children, youth and young adults in foster care can have or develop. In addition, some insights and education into working with Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) is provided to participants so that they have a better understanding of the needs of these children and young adults as well.

Session #5
Understanding Drug Usage/Identification & Dealing with Behavior Problems
In this video, participants get acclimated to the different types of drugs that youth and non-minor dependents in foster care will sometimes use. In addition, prospective Resource Families get a better understanding of how to deal with the challenges and behavior problems that children in foster care present with. Lastly, there is a brief discussion about Extended Foster Care and how youth are able to remain in foster care up until the age of 21 years.

Session #6
Understanding the Role of the Social Worker and Addressing Separation Anxiety in Children
In this video Resource Families are introduced to the role of the Social Worker. We demonstrate this by presenting a mock interview between a Resource Parent and a Social Worker. We also talk about Separation Anxiety and the effects that this issue has in the children that we care for. Lastly, we talk about documentation standards that Resource Parents must complete on behalf of the children in their care.

Session #7
Understanding Medication Usage & Documentation Standards
In this video, Resource Families are introduced to the documentation standards regarding Psychotropic, Prescription and over-the-counter medications. In addition, Resource Parents are provided some insights into the importance of paperwork and why it is important for Resource Families to always obtain documentation from providers that the children, youth, and non-minor dependents are meeting with.

Session #8
Foster Youth and Health Care Issues/ Understanding Rules and Regulations
In this video, Resource Families are introduced to the documentation standards regarding Psychotropic, Prescription and over-the-counter medications. In addition, Resource Parents are provided some insights into the importance of paperwork and why it is important for Resource Families to always obtain documentation from providers that the children, youth, and non-minor dependents are meeting with.

Session #9
Cultural Competency Training
In this video participants learn about the impacts that culture will have in caring for a child or young adult in foster care. In addition, participants also gain additional insight in understanding, accepting and working with children who happen to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Questioning (LGBTQ).

Session #10
Understanding the CPM, Rates of Pay and Youth Participation in Activities
In this video, Resource Parents are introduced to the Core Practice Model (CPM) while also being introduced to their responsibilities of encouraging extra-curricular, enrichment and social activities. This class also talks about the rates of pay that certified foster parents receive for children in their care (as of 12/15/17) and lastly we discuss a particular tragic circumstance of a young adult and discuss how Resource Families would handle this situation if they were to find themselves involved in a similar situation.
Training Class Attendance and Requirements
Both prospective applicants in a two-parent household must attend all of the training classes. There are a total of eleven- (11) training classes. This includes one orientation class and ten actual training classes. Prospective applicants are not required to begin a training class a the beginning of a series (starting with an orientation and ending with class #10), and instead can join an existing class at any time. That is why it is critical for you to contact us just so that we can let you know when and what the next immediate class is. As acknowledged, both parents in a two-parent class must attend all of the training classes before a home is certified, however it is not required that both parents attend the same classes if their schedules do not permit this to occur. In some cases, one parent may attend our morning classes while a second parent attends the evening classes. Upon attending the first training class, the prospective parent will then be provided additional information about the certification process and any additional questions that are asked will also be answered.